• To promote fellowship, foster a spirit of co-operation, unity, confidence and fraternity among retirees through social, cultural and other activities

  • Helping the retired employees from the psychological and mental effect of disengagement from a work life and also co-operates and strives for better life of self and spouse after retirement

  • To assist in the welfare of retired employees of KRIBHCO


GC Election


 Aim & Objectives
 Governing Council
 Bye Laws
 Membership Form
Kribhco Employees Superannuation Pension Scheme
KRWA Membership List
List of Members for additional coverage of insurance
Group Mediclaim Policy
Medical Claim Form

News & Circulars


Joint Option form under Para 11(3) & Para 11 (4) of Employees Pension Scheme, 1995 based upon the Hon'ble Supreme Court’s order

Welcome  to KRIBHCO RETIREES’ WELFARE ASSOCIATION (KRWA)- It's Formation; Developments; & Achievements

  1. The idea of formation of a platform for Kribhco Seniors: Informally, on the initiative of Shri K. Balagopal, a meeting of like minded Kribhco seniors was arranged at Noida on 25th July 2018, wherein the need for a forum for Kribhco Retirees was floated and discussed in detail keeping in primarily in view the EPF pension issue pending before Supreme Court. Responding to the initiative, Kribhco seniors, on their own will and volition, came forward to extend the facilities and services, as required for formation of an association. With the unanimous consent, the idea to form an association was well conceived and taken forward.

  2. Formal meeting to form an Association: In pursuance to the idea of an association, a formal meeting of Kribhco Seniors was organized on 24th October 2018 at the Conference Hall of Kribhco Township, Noida wherein it was decided to form an association by name Kribhco Retirees Welfare Association( KRWA ). Accordingly, an adhoc executive committee of Governing Council (GC) was formed and the GC members were introduced to the participants of the meeting. The provisions of draft bye laws of krwa were briefly explained to the audience. The Kribhco retirees living in different parts of the country took interest and participated in the meeting at their own cost and will.

  3. KRWA registration : Kribhco Retirees Welfare Association (KRWA), located at A 22, Yojana Vihar, Delhi 110092 has been registered on Pan india basis under Societies Registration Act of 1960, on 3rd day of December 2018, by the Registrar of Societies, District Shahdara, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Shri P.K. Sharma, on his own, came forward and offered a portion of his house for Krwa as its Registered office. GC is pleased to place on record its appreciation for his timely support and cooperation in the matter.

  4. Membership Drive: Right from its formation, KRWA is exploring all opportunities to create awareness about the goals and objectives of Krwa; the support it extends to all its member on various live issues; its achievements so far, and what and how KRWA proposes to contribute to the welfare of its members from its fund in due course of time, after its fund position has improved considerably, in order that the retiring employees of Kribhco may take interest in becoming the members of KRWA. KRWA is in the process of obtaining consolidated list of retirees of Kribhco from 2000 onwards, with contact address, telephone no etc. as it would facilitate in approaching all the left out retirees to become its members. Governing Members living in Surat & other places were requested to approach all retired employees of Kribhco from their region to create awareness of the platform available for retirees by becoming paid members of KRWA. It is relevant to mention that the services and contribution of Shri K.V.Patel towards membership drive of Krwa in Gujarat, especially Surat Plant have been found note worthy. GC is pleased to place on record its appreciation for his contribution. Similarly, Kribhco Officers Association & Kribhco Employees Union both at Plant, Surat and HO, Noida were approached and detailed discussions held with them for their support and encouragement towards retiring employees to become members of KRWA. Their support and cooperation is quite appreciable. KRWA is making efforts to obtain the list of employees retiring from kribhco services on month-wise every year and also exploring possibilities with Kribhco Management to include and supply Krwa membership form to such retiring employees. For coordinating the above matters, General Secretary, KRWA has been requested to visit Kribhco Office, Noida periodically.

  5. Visit of Patron, KRWA to Kribhco Plant, Surat: In pursuance to the decision taken in GC meeting for a Kribhco Plant visit, Shri T. Vijayan, Patron, on the request of President, KRWA, visited Kribhco Plant, Surat at his own cost and will and discussed in detail about the formation of KRWA, with Plant Management for its support, considering the large numbers of employees retiring / retired from Plant., Surat. The cooperation of Plant Management is quite appreciable.

  6. Conversion of Yearly Membership to Life membership: KRWA has 622 paid Life Members as on 31st May 2021 on its roll. The money received in the form of fees for admission into Krwa has been appropriately parked as Fixed deposits, The deposits presently yield a nominal interest which is not just sufficient enough to cater to any other financial needs of its members at the moment and for the time being, the deposits of KRWA is treated as corpus money which is kept under secured category in the Scheduled Banks and this would be appropriately used in emergent cases only, namely, Legal matters for EPF pension, etc. until situations warrant.

  7. Membership Certificate: Keeping in view the practices prevailing in other welfare associations and organizations, the GC has decided to issue Membership Certificate to all its paid members.

  8. Appointment of Auditors: With the consent and approval of GC, M/ s JPRMS & Co has been appointed as Auditors of KRWA for FY 2019 – 20; 2020 -21; & 2021 – 22.

  9. Annual General Body Meeting (AGM): The matter regarding conducting of AGM was discussed from time to time. Owing to never ending Covid Pandemic and subsequent lock down since March 2020 imposed by Governments from time to time, the first AGM Meeting could not be conducted as all the retirees of KRWA are senior citizen, above 60 years old, and are under risk category. It is proposed to hold the AGM soon after restoring normalcy on post Covid 19 pandemic.

  10. Medi-claim issues:

    (a) Several pending cases of medi-claim with TPA of Oriental Insurance were settled after periodical intervention of KRWA with Kribhco management;

    (b) One such medi claim of a Krwa member whose case did not fall in the eligible category of illness/deseases came to the notice of GC. It appropriately took up the matter with Kribhco as the financial burden to the retiree was huge. With the whole hearted support of Kribhco Management, the medi claim was got approved from the Insurance company.

    (c) Further, to support and help its members concern for insurance coverage of family members, the Medi-claim Insurance policies of Bank of Baroda; and Oriental Bank of Commerce for its employees/account holders, were studied and they seemed to be attractive and encouraging. Therefore, the policies were brought to the domain of all its members to enable them to take a decision on additional insurance coverage, if any, required by them;

    (d) The request of Krwa members regarding insurance coverage of 4 lakhs for either or survivor was also taken up with Kribhco Management. However, owing to tight fund position of KEBFT and its limitation, they were unable to commit any additional expenditure at this juncture. Members may be aware that Post Retirement Medical Scheme for Kribhco Retirees is funded through KEBFT. As fund position of the Trust has been in deficit state owing to expenditure becoming more than the income, Kribhco management has been meeting the shortfall every year. Our consistent efforts and persuasion with Kribhco Management would yield a positive outcome sooner or later.

  11. LIC Superannuation Pension: GC members are interacting and resolving pending cases of retirees under this scheme. Kribhco started this scheme in 2012. Some retirees are not nitty gritty of the scheme.

  12. EPF Pension: Complaints from retirees regarding non receipt of pension even after two years of eligibility (58 years) were drawn up and with the effective follow up with Kribhco Management, all such pending cases were settled. It was also assured that where there is delay in commencing the EPF Pension to retirees, the same shall be brought to the notice of KRWA.
    As per certain High Court verdicts on grant of enhanced pension for EPF subscribers, Members are aware that many retiree forums have writ petitions in Supreme Court. Your body of Krwa too has become part of such a petition filed by National Confederation of Retirees. For information of its members, Krwa has furnished the list of its members, and also paid the admission fees to NCR, which has now enabled Krwa to become part and parcel of the pensioners suit suit filed in the SC and the outcome of the proceedings will be made, per se, applicable to KRWA members. National Confederation of Retirees (NCR) has engaged reputed lawyers including a senior and well known advocate to argue the matter on behalf of retirees whereas the case is argued by Attorney General on behalf of Government of India. In a recent written reply in Parliament, GOI has maintained that any enhancement in minimum pension will need subsidy from GoI.

  13. Establishment of Units: As per byelaws, Governing Council has established Zonal Units and 1 Plant unit, taking the total to 5 units, besides HO/CMO, and accordingly, Coordinators for Plant and Zones ( East, South/West & Central ) were nominated/appointed The Unit Coordinators have been authorized to call meeting(s) of its members from the region and chalk out their programs as per byelaws, with the budget required to meet the cost and other contingencies, and send their report to President, KRWA for its approval.

  14. Web-site of KRWA: KRWA should have its own web-site to cater to the needs of its members. With this objective in view, KRWA has established its website by domain name - KrwaIndia.org All the information/data for the Web-site are being uploaded now.

  15. Telegram Group: KRWA has created a Telegram group only for the benefit of its members, wherein updates on recent developments of KRWA; grievances /issues of members resolved by KRWA, etc. are posted, displayed and reflected from time to time and this helps krwa in making attempts and resolve the issues in the best possible way. Many of the non-members of Telegram group were found to be from Kribhco Plant, Surat and therefore, they were approached by Zonal Coordinators to become the members of Krwa as the Telegram group is mainly for resolving post retirement issues concerning its members. Further, issues raised by members in the Telegram Group, are appropriately addressed/responded by duly authorized members, S/Shri A..K. Wadhwa, Shri Kharbanda and Shri Kataria.

  16. Recognition of KRWA by Kribhco Management: KRWA has been formally recognized by KRIBHCO based on the fact and persuasion that that all its members are ex-employees having served for long years in Kribhco and to address their concerns and take care of their welfare activities, the forum has been created, besides maintaining and strengthening the brand image of KRIBHCO, spreading the concept of cooperation and cooperative. Initially, service facilities of KRIBHCO were availed by KRWA, on a payment fixed for the purpose. Now, such facilities of KRIBHCO are extended to KRWA on a subsidized rate, as KRWA has been formally recognized by Kribhco. Further, Kribhco Management is now recognizing the attending members from KRWA as representatives of KRWA.

  17. Office Space for Krwa and furniture requirements: Krwa approached Director (HR), Kribhco for office space for its functioning, along with furniture therefor and he came forward to consider providing required space for Krwa office, with necessary furniture requirements at Kribhco Bhawan, Noida. Considering the nitty-gritty of having Krwa office in Kribhco Bhawan, Noida, we have requested him to provide a space for office of Krwa in Kribhco Township. Alternatively, President, Krwa proposed that we can have an office of Krwa in Garima Vihar, Noida as its RWA is ready to provide a space for office of Krwa for which KRIBHCO support would be sought for furniture requirements, if they are unable to provide necessary space for office of Krwa in Kribhco Township, Noida.

  18. Condolences to the bereaved family members : (a) A good number of our friends, colleagues of Kribhco fraternity have passed away since the day the corona pandemic occurred. With regret, KRWA and its GC members noted the sad demise of some of our members and conveyed our heart felt condolences to the bereaved family. (b) While expressing condolences, General Secretary, KRWA has taken responsibility to send the consolidated the list of members who passed way, to Zonal Coordinators to enable them approach their spouses for becoming Krwa Members in place of deceased members of Krwa. Also he is entrusted with taking all such necessary actions as needed for transfer of membership to his/her immediate spouse besides informing demise of members to Kribhco Management timely to enable them to update the data in their website. (c) Further, on demise of any our members in the future, condolences may be personally exchanged locally by our Representatives/Coordinators in the Region and also the immediate spouse of the deceased member of Krwa may be provided with membership form, in order that the Life Membership of the deceased member can be transferred to the spouse immediately. Local representatives of the Region may ensure prompt action in the matter.

  19. Engagement of IFFCO TOKIO General Insurance Co (ITGC) : On a competitive bid basis, IFFCO-TOKIO General Insurance has been awarded PRMS insurance for the financial year 2021-22.

  20. Krwa has been striving to bring possible improvements in the existing Post Retirement Medical Scheme for Retirees of Kribhco with amiable intervention through Kribhco Management. With change in Insurance agency for the year 2021-22, premium for additional cover of Rs 3 lakh has been brought downs from Rs 16166 to Rs 12980/- for those who have opted for the same. Slowly and steadily, Krwa expects to become a positive interface between Kribhco and the Retirees complimenting each other and for effective use of knowledge/skill sharing of the retirees. To achieve this, more and more retirees should join the forum (out of 1500 retirees strength, Krwa strength is nearing 630 only). Present body of Krwa having done its job of forming a platform and addressing prime concerns, also wish to have a baton change to a relatively younger team for increased vibrancy into its working. This is update for members to read. Any suggestions from members may be forwarded on krwa mail with a copy to president krwa.


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