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Five Types Of Sanskars Of The Soul

The soul has 3 faculties - mind, intellect and sanskars. Very often we say we can’t understand each other and sometimes we can’t understand our own behavior. It is because we are not aware of the sanskars or personality traits each of us carries. Each soul carries 5 types of sanskars:

1. Sanskars we get from our parents and family - We often find certain habits of ours very similar to habits of members of our family. They could be physical habits or our way of thinking and personality traits.

2. Sanskars which are created because of the environment we are in - country, caste, culture, city, locality, school, friends and social circle.

3. Sanskars we carry forward from our past birth - We understand that we are not this body, but the spiritual energy that uses the body, energy which is not created or destroyed – energy which is immortal, eternal. Death means the soul leaves the old body and has a new body ready for it to use. When the soul leaves one costume, it carries its sanskars with it. This explains why even identical twins have very different personalities, bodies are identical but each soul is carrying a different past.

4. Sanskars created by our own will power - We may carry any type of sanskar from the past, family or environment, but if we wish to change, we can create a new sanskar with our own will power.

5. Original sanskars of the soul - The above four types of sanskars are acquired after using the body, but each soul has an original set of sanskars - peace, joy, love, bliss, purity, power and wisdom. These 7 sanskars are the original sanskars of every soul, and all the sanskars we see today of ego, anger, greed, jealousy, fear… are acquired sanskars. When we become soul conscious and remain aware of our original sanskars, they start to emerge again.

Let us remember who am I – I am a pure, peaceful, loveful soul, and so is every soul I will meet today.

V Vijayan
GC Member
Five Ways To Be Assertive In Situations

1. Put Your Point Across Peacefully And Respectfully .
We can share our opinion and also explain why that is beneficial in the situation, but without having any ego and with a lot of peace and respect.

2. Make Sure The Other's Feelings Are Not Hurt .
Being assertive is not wrong if used in a correct way without giving pain to the other person and without dominating the other person's feelings. So, assertiveness can be used wherever required and situations can be taken to their destination of success.

3. Take Time To Give Your View .. Do Not Be Judgmental .
A very important dimension of relationships is to think before you speak because words once spoken do not come back and also once the other person has heard them they do not forget them. So being assertive is good but we shouldn't misuse the power and make it a part of conversations in a positive way.

4. Make Goodness A Part Of Your Assertive Nature .
Remember that assertiveness should be filled with love and goodness. Only then it is effective. The love is important because it makes us caring which is very important while being assertive. Also, the love in our heart ensures we are not blunt while being assertive but are very soft.

5. Listen To The Other's Opinion And Understand Them .
In relationships, it is very important to listen and deeply realize what the other person is trying to say. The more we listen to the other person's voice of the heart, the more we will be able to satisfy them with our assertiveness and mutual understanding.

V Vijayan
GC Member
Stability In Appreciation And Criticism:

If appreciation boosts our ego, we are sure to get upset when criticized. Spiritual wisdom teaches us to simply focus on our actions without getting affected by appreciation or criticism.

1. Check your first reaction to any feedback:

Do you get fascinated by praise? And do you defend yourself or react back when you are criticized? If so, practice taking a pause the next time to choose a response of stability.

2. Remain humble, with a consciousness of being an instrument of God - emotionally detached yet involved. Go into your field of action understanding that everybody’s opinion is different.

3. Practice remaining untouched by appreciation. The praise is after all their perception, their pure intention and a reflection of their generosity. Thank the other person, and be grateful for being used as an instrument in the positive action.

4. Remaining stable in appreciation helps you handle criticism with dignity. A person criticizing you is portraying his perception, mood and personality. Detach from the emotional energy attached to it, judge the feedback and see if you need to do something. Otherwise ignore it completely, let go and remain stable. Respect yourself and them.

GC Member

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